Category Archives: Free

McGrew Review

Review of Michael Licona’s Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? by Lydia McGrew

Digital copies of this review are available for free in 8.5″x11″ PDF format at

Printed softcover copies may be ordered from Amazon here:

This booklet was published by the Global Journal of Classic Theology in 2019 and was printed with the help of Bastion Books soon after. It is a 42-page review by Dr. Lydia McGrew of Dr. Michael Licona’s book Why are There Differences in the Gospels? What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography (Oxford University Press: 2016).

This review would reappear and be expanded upon in Lydia’s 2020 book The Mirror or the Mask.

Beware of Philosophy

Beware of Philosophy: A Warning to Biblical Scholars

by Dr. Norman L. Geisler

Available as a free .PDF file here.

Beware of Philosophy began as the presidential address Dr. Geisler delivered to the biblical scholars at the 50th annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS) on November 19th, 1998.  This eBook edition remains essentially the same but was updated slightly by Dr. Geisler in 2012.

Dr. Geisler begins with this warning:

The exhortation of the apostle Paul to “beware of philosophy” (Col. 2:8) is as urgent today as it was in the first century, if not more so. And this is not only true for Christians who call themselves philosophers but for those who do not, especially for biblical exegetes. Although the context of Col. 2:8 probably has reference to a proto-gnostic type philosophy at Colossae that had a disastrous mix of legalism, asceticism, and mysticism with Christianity, the implications of Paul’s exhortation to “beware of philosophy” are appropriately applied to other alien systems of thought that have invaded Christianity down through the centuries since then.

But before one can beware of philosophy, theologians must first be aware of philosophy.  Dr. Geisler begins by explaining the sour theological fruit produced by the incursion of harmful philosophical roots.  He warns against Naturalism, Spinoza, Hume, Bultmann, Agnosticism, Evolutionism, Progressivism, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Conventionalism, Processism, Platonic Allegorism, Ockhamistic Nominalism, Aristotelianism, Anthropological Monism, and Historical Criticism.  He proceeds to offer helpful advice for the mind and for the soul–advice meant to help us avoid being influenced negatively by harmful philosophical trends and methods.  This makes it a “must read” for all biblical scholars and for advanced students of God’s word!

Cómo Conocer a Dios (Free! Por nada!)

Cómo Conocer a Dios
(Spanish translation of How to Know God)

Click here to download as a free PDF file. 

This is essentially an evangelistic tract. But it spans pre-evangelism, evangelism, and touches on discipleship. It begins by using classical apologetics to help the reader what we should know about God. It then proceeds to use scripture to help the reader know more about God. It then explains how to begin a personal relationship with God. Finally it recommends a few first steps for those who have recently begun to know God and want to know him better.

This is a 19-page booklet in PDF file format.

It is NOT available as a printed booklet at this time.

This is written in Spanish. It is also available in English here.