Category Archives: Soteriology

Systematic Theology in 4 Volumes (2025)

Bastion Books is republishing Norman Geisler’s four-volume Systematic Theology books in Q1 of 2025 as competitively-priced softcovers (paperbacks) and as print-replica Kindle e-books on Amazon.

Volume 1: Introduction and Bible | 626 pages

Volume 2: God and Creation | 718 pages

Volume 3: Sin and Salvation | 623 pages

Volume 4: Church and Last Things | 784 pages


Click here to view the contents of the 4-volume set.   


Does this four-volume set of ST contain the same text that was published by Bethany House between 2002 and 2005 (and which went out of print in 2019)? Yes, the interior text is the exact same as the 2002-2005 edition. A few of front matter pages were swapped out but no substantial changes were made.

Will these four volumes eventually be available for sale in hardback format? No, probably not. Presently we are only using the Amazon KDP system for printing and their maximum page count for hardbacks, as of Q1 2025, is 550 pages. If they raise this limit to 800 pages, we will offer them as hardbacks.

What is the relationship between this four-volume set and the “in one volume” edition? Norman Geisler’s Systematic Theology: In One Volume (Bastion Books, 2021) is a slightly condensed, lightly updated, unified amalgamation of the four volumes in one single volume. The four-volume (Bastion Books, 2025) set contains a total of 2,751 pages and the one-volume edition (2021) contains 1,664 pages. To see a partial list of the differences between the four-volume set and the single-volume edition, see these notes by Dr. Doug Potter.

Is the four-volume set available for purchase anywhere else? The four-volume edition of Systematic Theology is also available for sale in the electronic/digital Logos Bible Software format from


The four-volume set was translated into Brazilian Portuguese and made available as a two-volume set under the title of Teologia Sistematica.

Cómo Conocer a Dios (Free! Por nada!)

Cómo Conocer a Dios
(Spanish translation of How to Know God)

Click here to download as a free PDF file. 

This is essentially an evangelistic tract. But it spans pre-evangelism, evangelism, and touches on discipleship. It begins by using classical apologetics to help the reader what we should know about God. It then proceeds to use scripture to help the reader know more about God. It then explains how to begin a personal relationship with God. Finally it recommends a few first steps for those who have recently begun to know God and want to know him better.

This is a 19-page booklet in PDF file format.

It is NOT available as a printed booklet at this time.

This is written in Spanish. It is also available in English here.

How to Know God (Free!)

How to Know God

by Norman Geisler and Christopher Haun

Click here to download this as a free PDF file.

This is essentially an evangelistic tract. But it spans pre-evangelism, evangelism, and touches on discipleship. It begins by using classical apologetics to help the reader what we should know about God. It then proceeds to use scripture to help the reader know more about God. It then explains how to begin a personal relationship with God. Finally, it recommends a few first steps for those who have recently begun to know God and want to know him better.

This is a 17-page booklet in PDF file format.
It is NOT available as a printed booklet at this time. 

It is also available in Spanish here.

Sola Fide

Sola Fide: A Primer on Paul’s Doctrine of Justification in Romans
by William C. Roach

This book is available at Amazon here: 

Since the time of the Reformation, Protestants have sounded the motto: Justification is by faith alone. Counter-Reformers responded to Protestant theologians claiming sola fide is a legal fiction and foreign to the text of Scripture. Advocates of the New Perspective on Paul have responded to the Protestant doctrine of justification, offering a “fresh” or “new” perspective on Paul’s theology, one grounded in the pattern of religion prevalent in Second Temple Judaism. Among their many conclusions is the belief that Augustine and his followers, including the Reformers and present-day evangelicalism, have misunderstood Paul and his letters.

The influence of both Roman Catholic and NPP theologians has sounded an alarm for many Protestant theologians and pastors, such as William Roach, an ordained minister and theologian. If Protestant theologians forego the classic doctrine of justification and Roman Catholic or NPP views find a home in the church or seminaries, not only could the doctrine of justification be distorted in this age, but any grasp and assurance of Paul’s theology would be lost too. So, Roach is sounding a warning in this primer, which has been written to equip the local church to defend the classic and biblical view of justification.