All posts by BastionAdmin

Defending Evangelicalism

Defending Evangelicalism: The Apologetics of Norman L. Geisler

by William C. Roach

Defending Evangelicalism the only book of its kind tracking the life and thought of Dr. Norman L. Geisler. The book was written by one of Dr. Geisler’s former students and long-time assistants. It provides a first-hand interpretation of Geisler’s classical apologetics method and discusses the real implications for it within Evangelical theology. The books specifically addresses the topics of classical realism, classical theism and the doctrine of inerrancy.

Available in softcover, hardback, kindle e-book, and audiobook:

Dr. Norman L. Geisler (1932-2019) worked tirelessly for close to seven decades to evangelize the lost and defend the historic Christian faith. The life motto he chose for himself echoed Phil. 1:16: “I am put here for the defense of the gospel.” As one of the foremost classical apologists of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, he “destroy[ed] arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5) while preparing countless others to “make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. . . with gentleness and respect” (1 Pet. 3:15).  To defend the gospel, he was prepared to defend the knowability of truth, the first principles of logic, the reasonableness of the existence of a theistic God, the possibility and significance of supernatural miracles, the reliability of the New Testament documents, the claims of Jesus’s deity in the New Testament, the supernatural confirmation of those claims, Jesus’s view that the Bible is the Word of God, the belief that anything opposed to what the Bible says is false, and more. In addition to trying to win the lost through apologetics and evangelism, he also worked tirelessly to do his best to present the evangelical Christian communities to their Groom “as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless” (Eph. 5:27; c.f., 2 Cor. 11:2). With a particular emphasis upon his commitments to classical realism, classical theism, and the inerrancy of the Bible, Defending Evangelicalism explains the central issues Dr. Geisler focused on and the specific methods he used towards these ends.

William C. Roach Ph.D., is the Dean of the Norman L. Geisler Chair of Apologetics at Veritas International University. He is a former President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. Roach’s other contributions include nearly decades of preaching, conferences, hundreds of podcasts, and authoring or co-authoring several books and articles, including Defending Inerrancy, Hermeneutics as Epistemology, and Sola Fide.

Systematic Theology in 4 Volumes (2025)

Bastion Books is republishing Norman Geisler’s four-volume Systematic Theology books in Q1 of 2025 as competitively-priced softcovers (paperbacks) and as print-replica Kindle e-books on Amazon.

Volume 1: Introduction and Bible | 626 pages

Volume 2: God and Creation | 718 pages

Volume 3: Sin and Salvation | 623 pages

Volume 4: Church and Last Things | 784 pages


Click here to view the contents of the 4-volume set.   


Does this four-volume set of ST contain the same text that was published by Bethany House between 2002 and 2005 (and which went out of print in 2019)? Yes, the interior text is the exact same as the 2002-2005 edition. A few of front matter pages were swapped out but no substantial changes were made.

Will these four volumes eventually be available for sale in hardback format? No, probably not. Presently we are only using the Amazon KDP system for printing and their maximum page count for hardbacks, as of Q1 2025, is 550 pages. If they raise this limit to 800 pages, we will offer them as hardbacks.

What is the relationship between this four-volume set and the “in one volume” edition? Norman Geisler’s Systematic Theology: In One Volume (Bastion Books, 2021) is a slightly condensed, lightly updated, unified amalgamation of the four volumes in one single volume. The four-volume (Bastion Books, 2025) set contains a total of 2,751 pages and the one-volume edition (2021) contains 1,664 pages. To see a partial list of the differences between the four-volume set and the single-volume edition, see these notes by Dr. Doug Potter.

Is the four-volume set available for purchase anywhere else? The four-volume edition of Systematic Theology is also available for sale in the electronic/digital Logos Bible Software format from


The four-volume set was translated into Brazilian Portuguese and made available as a two-volume set under the title of Teologia Sistematica.

Systematic Theology: In One Volume (2021)

Norm’s popular “in one volume” edition of his Systematic Theology is available for sale in a hardback edition. You may order a copy from Amazon:


Please click here to view its table of contents as a PDF file


With a brilliant mind and a Christ-intoxicated heart, Norm Geisler devoted his life to understanding the God who revealed himself indirectly in the natural order (Rom. 1:19-20; Ps. 19:1-6; Acts 14:17), powerfully in human history (Ex. 6:7, Josh. 4:23-24, Acts 17:26; Gal. 4:4), propositionally in the God-breathed Scriptures (Lk. 24:27), personally through the incarnated Word (Jn. 1:1-12; Col. 1:15; Hb. 1:1-3), and spiritually through his Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 2:10-16). This book is arguably the greatest fruit of his seven-decade long quest to know God and make him known. It is his magnum opus and his λογικὴν λατρείαν. This is a matured work of a veteran theologian. Its contents were refined for over sixty years (1959-2019) in the classroom crucibles of some of the finest evangelical seminaries and colleges in the United States. Adding to its uniqueness and value is the fact that it was written at the pinnacle of his long career as a defender of the faith who powerfully “destroy[ed] arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God” (2 Cor. 10:3-5). Some of that power is stored in this book. This material also flowed from the shepherd’s heart; Norm sincerely wrote and worked to help present the church to its redeemer as a bride both “pure in devotion” and “undeceived in thought” (2 Cor. 11:1-3). We at Bastion Books are very pleased to bring it back into print.

This 1,664-page systematic theology is divided into nine parts: a unique introduction that explains the preconditions of theology, a rigorous bibliology, theology proper, creation, humanity and sin, salvation, ecclesiology, eschatology, and various appendices. At the risk of oversimplification, the perspective from which the book is written is generally Thomistic, mild-Augustinian, mild-Calvinist, baptistic, premillennial, dispensational, and non-denominational. Norm was transparent about the fact that his theology being influenced significantly by Thomas Aquinas, Augustine of Hippo, John Calvin, Francis Turretin, Charles Hodge, C.S. Lewis, Erich Sauer, and countless others. Standing on the shoulder of giants allowed him to see much further, he insisted. But he also disagreed with them all at various points and proceed to construct his own unique system of theology that was remarkably—but not radically—original. So, while in one sense he was a scholar who interacted with thousands of books, in another sense, he was ultimately a man of one book—the Bible.  He insisted, “Only one book, the Bible, I read to believe. All other books I only consider.”

History & Disambiguation

Between 2002 and 2005, Norm published a four-volume set of systematic theology books through Bethany House / Baker Books. The four-volume set was republished by Bastion Books in 2025. In 2011, Bethany/Baker produced a slightly-abridged and lightly-updated amalgamation of the four-volume set into a new one-volume edition. Both the one-volume and four-volume editions went out of print in 2019 and the rights to both were returned to the Geisler estate. Other than a few minor typos being fixed, the contents of this 2021 one-volume edition are the same as the original one-volume edition by Bethany House in 2011. No new content was added.

Norman Geisler’s Systematic Theology: In One Volume (Bastion Books, 2021) is a slightly condensed, lightly updated, unified amalgamation of the four volumes in one single volume. The four-volume (Bastion Books, 2025) set contains a total of 2,751 pages and the one-volume edition contains 1,664 pages. To see a partial list of the differences between the four-volume set and the single-volume edition, see these notes by Dr. Doug Potter.

Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True (Arabic)

To download the Arabic translation of The Twelve Points that Show Christianity is True by Norman L. Geisler, click here. The download is a .zip file of a .pdf file. NGIM has given its permission to allow this PDF file to be downloaded freely and distributed freely, so long as no changes are made. We encourage you to send the link to this page ( all the Arabic readers you know!

Click the graphic above to download the zipped PDF version of this book freely.

This translation was made by a native Arabic speaking Christian from Syria and checked by a native Arabic speaking Christian in Egypt.

Read more about the original English version of this book here.

McGrew Review

Review of Michael Licona’s Why Are There Differences in the Gospels? by Lydia McGrew

Digital copies of this review are available for free in 8.5″x11″ PDF format at

Printed softcover copies may be ordered from Amazon here:

This booklet was published by the Global Journal of Classic Theology in 2019 and was printed with the help of Bastion Books soon after. It is a 42-page review by Dr. Lydia McGrew of Dr. Michael Licona’s book Why are There Differences in the Gospels? What We Can Learn from Ancient Biography (Oxford University Press: 2016).

This review would reappear and be expanded upon in Lydia’s 2020 book The Mirror or the Mask.

Philosophy of Religion

by Norman L. Geisler and Winfreid Corduan

As of January 2022, Bastion Books is actively discussing the possibility of creating a slightly-expanded 3rd edition with the help of Winfried Corduan! For now, however, the second edition is available for sale in softcover and e-book formats through Wipf&Stock.

  • Is there any basis in reality for a religious experience?
  • Is there any basis in reason for belief in God?
  • Is it even possible to speak meaningfully of a transcendent being?
  • And how does one account for evil?

The authors answer these questions, representing the four most important issues in the philosophy of religion, in a comprehensive way and “from the perspective of classical theism.” They support this position with in-depth argumentation, taking into account both classical and contemporary writers. With its well-outlined text, ‘Philosophy of Religion’ is “user friendly.” An introduction, chapter summaries, a glossary, indexes, and bibliography contribute to this end.

The first edition, written by Norman L. Geisler alone, was published by Zondervan in 1974 and was to some degree an expansion of his Ph.D. Dissertation from 1970. It was chosen as a “Choice Evangelical Book of the Year” by Christianity Today (1975). 

The second edition was expanded by Winfried Corduan (in concert with Norm) and published by Baker Books in 1988. In this second edition, the authors have not only updated the text and bibliography, but also refined some of the arguments, “scaled down and evened out” the vocabulary, and added several pedagogical aids.

As of 2022, Bastion Books has the rights to the book and hopes to work with Winfried Corduan to make a slightly-expanded, updated, third-edition of this book.

The Collected Essays of Norman L. Geisler in 5 Volumes

Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are available on Please use the links below to reach them.

The Collected Essays of Norman L. Geisler: Volume 1: 1964-1979:

The Collected Essays of Norman L. Geisler: Volume 2: 1980-1985:

The Collected Essays of Norman L. Geisler: Volume 3: 1986-1994:

The Collected Essays of Norman L. Geisler: Volume 4: 1995-2005:

The Collected Essays of Norman L. Geisler: Volume 5: 2005-2019:

To view some of the unpublished essays of Norm that did not make it into these five volumes, click here (redirects to